Say “Yes”

“Ask the person next to you, ‘would you still say yes’”

  • intro to “Yes” by Shekinah Glory Ministry

Can everything in you give God a “yes” today Sis?

If God told you to stay put in the marriage when everything looked like go…because He promised you “yes”, can you say “yes” in agreement?

Can you say “yes” when He instructs you to rebuild the business from the ground up, after the fall?

Can you head back to school, again, trusting Him fully to provide, because you know that WHERE GOD GUIDES, HE PROVIDES?

Can you keep claiming the baby/babies that He said were yours even after the failed implants and miscarriages?

Can you say “yes” and wait on your breakthrough, praise Him in the hallway waiting for the door to open, believing that He is able to do exceeding, abundantly above all you can think or imagine?

Can you forgive and forget even though every day it’s hard not to remember?

Can you stand up and go back to where He called you to, Prodigal Daughter, because He called you?

Prodigal Daughter, can you humble yourself when God said that you’re always with Him yet your sister was lost and is now found?

Can you learn a new stress management technique even though others can blow up whenever they fill?

Can you say “yes” without a reason?

If Daddy said “Abstain” from the thing that has your attention and has become an idol before Him, can you say “Yes”?

If God said “Leave it. Let go. Move.” Would you say “Yes Father”?

Can you say “yes” even if it’s a whisper Sis?

Can you say “yes” with your heart even though your mind and the pain and the memories scream “no”?

Can you decrease while He increases woman of God?

Can you walk by faith and not by sight?

Maybe I shouldn’t ask “can you” Sis….
WILL you?

God has given you, has protected you, provided for you, guided you, and loved you beyond measure.

When Daddy asks you…and I’m telling you from experience and because I heard just now that He’s soon going to ask…will you say “Yes”?

Be encouraged.

CJ 💗💗💗


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