Second Chances

Blessings and praises to our Father the Almighty in Heaven, He reigns! Thanking God for another day and also for second, third, and infinite chances.

What a wonderful thing it is to serve a God like ours. He who says if we confess our sins and repent, He will forgive us. See God is not like man. Ever heard a person say “I can forgive you but I can’t forget”. Well what good does it do to forgive but not forget? That is the way of man, of the world, of the enemy. The Bible says; “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9 NIV) When God gave us free will to make our own choices, He also knew we might choose with our flesh. We must choose with our spirits. We must choose Gods way. Yes, at times it’s hard and you may worry you could choose wrong.  God knows your heart my friends! We will eventually grow tired of choosing wrong. Choosing the way of the world only leads to hurt, pain, destruction, false hope, and death. Choose eternal life. Choose God!  He will give you rest.  You don’t have to carry those burdens. You don’t have to carry a grudge. You don’t have to worry if man does not forgive you or give you another chance because God will! Here is your second chance. It is NOT too late to accept Jesus as your Lord. As He calls unto you, answer Him. He is not mad at you. He does not hate you. He will not “forgive and not forget”. Instead, He will make you brand new and white as snow! He will blot away the transgressions of your youth. Today, my brothers and sisters, is another chance. Choose to forgive YOURSELF and others. Choose Jesus. Choose LIFE! Choose peace! Choose joy! God loves you and adores you. He’s reaching for you now, won’t you reach to Him? Your second chance is in His hand, don’t be afraid to reach back. It can only bring you great things. May God bless all the readers and thank you for your support!

“ far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.”

Psalm 103:12 NIV

Your sister in Christ,

CJ 💋

One thought on “Second Chances

  1. Tears begin to flow!!!! I am so proud of you sis this blog is great… continue to let God use you for the purpose he intended..and remember when the enemy comes (as he does when we are following God’s plan for us) tell that devil you have a God who sits HIGH and looks LOW, and no weapon shall prosper!!! God gotchu baby YES U, EVEN U!!! Continue to stand on his promises and may God grant you the desires of your heart…ily…😘😘😘Glad you are beginning to live your dreams and I am elated to be apart of your life and watch you BLOOM!!!

    Liked by 1 person

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